Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The 13th Red Horse Muziklaban (2011) Launch

I was quite thrilled when I got the invitation to watch the first digital press launch of the 13th Red Horse Muziklaban held yesterday, July 19th, at the Hard Rock Cafe in Glorietta 3. I was invited as a digital press, so I had to watch it online, thru an exclusive live streaming.

I was sent the primer email yesterday at about 1 PM and was told to wait for the login details that they will send later in the day. The thing was, the link and login details didn't arrive. LoL! Too much hope for my first bloggers' event.

It would have been so much fun to watch the bands like Slapshock, Mayonnaise, Light of Luna, Hatankaru, Even, Gayuma, and Wilabaliw perform, as well as get the chance to interact with them via live chat! I even prepared some questions to some of the bands. But oh well, perhaps it wasn't meant to be.

Anyway, the program was hosted by ex-Dawn guitarist and former NU DJ Francis "Brew" Reyes and Pepe Smith's daughter Sanya Smith.

I think I missed a lot... Why oh why wasn't I emailed the login details?

The beer and the paper bag did arrive, though.


So even if I wasn't emailed the login details, I would like to thank Red Horse Beer and Rogue Digital, nonetheless.

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